Advancing Equity in Collective Impact (Virtual Coffee)
Issues of inequity are often at the core of the complex problems that collective impact initiatives are working to…
Healthy Birth Outcomes through Cross-Sector Collaboration
Among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the United States ranks near the bottom in infant mortality…
Building Leadership Capacity for Collective Impact
Cultivating leaders within the backbone and among partners is critical for the success of a collective impact effort.
Achieving Systems Change in Collective Impact (Virtual Coffee Discussion)
What role can collective impact play in helping communities achieve systems change?
- June 29, 2018
Beyond Seats at the Table: Equity, Inclusion, and Collective Impact – Video and Transcript
This past April, over 700 attendees and hundreds more online viewers joined us for the livestream event Beyond Seats…
2019 Collective Impact Convening
-The Collective Impact Forum is hosting the 2019 Collective Impact Convening on May 14-16, 2019, in Chicago.
The Water of Systems Change: Action Learning Exercise
Based on the “inverted triangle” framework presented in The Water of Systems Change, this activity is designed to help…
The Water of Systems Change
Organizations involved in systems change can increase their odds for success by focusing on the least explicit but most…
The What, Why, and How of Advancing Funder Openness
This webinar explores lessons learned from funders practicing openness within their organizations, with their grantees, and with other community…
- June 8, 2018
Representation and Inclusion in Collective Impact: A Juvenile Justice Case Study
The role of equity in collective impact has evolved over the past several years. The recent field-wide study of…
When Is Collective Impact Most Impactful: Using Insights from the Collective Impact Cross-Site Study to Improve Your Impact
What do we know about the practices that lead to positive systems and population changes in collective impact initiatives?
Tackling Youth Substance Abuse on Staten Island: A Collective Impact Project
This case study focuses on the challenges of keeping a collective impact program—the Tackling Youth Substance Abuse (TYSA) program…
Early Wins in Early Childhood: A Case Study in Seeding Systems Change
Southeast Virginia has long been home to numerous early care and education programs. However, operating traditionally in siloes, these…
When Collective Impact has an Impact: A Cross-Site Study of 25 Collective Impact Initiatives
This research study looks at the question of “To what extent and under what conditions does the collective impact…
Advancing Funders’ Openness Practices: Lessons for the Field from the Collective Impact Funder Action Learning Lab
With support from the Fund for Shared Insight, the Collective Impact Forum has worked closely with eight grantmaking organizations…
- March 1, 2018
New Research Study: When Collective Impact Has an Impact
We are excited to share with you the recently published: “When Collective Impact Has an Impact: A Cross-Site Study…
Champions for Change 2018
-Join us on October 16 - 18, 2018 in Los Angeles, CA at the 2018 Champions for Change: Leading…
ACT Anaheim: A Case Study of Collective Impact
The Orange County Community Foundation partnered with FSG, a mission-driven consulting firm for leaders in search of social change,…
- January 12, 2018
How the Orange County Community Foundation is Increasing Youth Resilience
This interview was first published in FSG's blog.ACT Anaheim, an initiative designed to address the needs of at-risk youth…
- December 21, 2017
Social Change: Top Resources of 2017
We’re excited to share with you 2017’s most popular resources from the Collective Impact Forum. From tools to strengthen…