Collective Voices
Collective Impact Forum staff, partners, and guest contributors share the latest learning, innovations, and stories from the field.
- December 20, 2017
Opportunity Lost? Maximizing Large Federal Funds to Support Opportunity Youth
This blog was first published on the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions on December 4, 2017.There are nearly 5 million 16- to 24-year-olds in the US who are n…
- April 6, 2017
Study on Social Change Outcomes Learned from Collective Impact Initiatives
Since the publication of Collective Impact in the winter 2011 edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, this approach to cross-sector collaboration has…
- December 20, 2016
Social Change: Top Resources of 2016
As we reflect on 2016, we want to share four key areas that stood out for the Collective Impact Forum community. Read below to see the Forum’s most-read resour…
- December 9, 2016
Collective Impact 3.0
As part of Tamarack’s 2016 Community Change Series, Tamarack thought leader, Mark Cabaj, and myself decided to review the collective impact framework with a ne…
- August 30, 2016
Presenting a Special Issue of Community Development on Collective Impact
The principles and practices of collective impact apply especially well to issues facing community development practitioners because they help set up an implem…
- April 26, 2016
Assessing the Collective Impact Field’s Needs: Insights from Our Second Annual Survey
Earlier this year, the Collective Impact Forum gathered feedback through its second annual survey of members who have created an online profile. The purpose of…