How Funders Can Embrace the Original Collective Impact
In this deep dive discussion, we look at how funders can support frontline community organizing and activism.
Shifting Power with Participatory Grantmaking
We’re sharing a deep dive discussion on the topic of participatory grantmaking that was part of this past spring’s…
Public-Private Partnerships in Emergency Response: A Case Study of Milwaukee’s Civic Response Team
The Covid-19 pandemic was an all-hands-on-deck moment.
Building Transformative Partnerships with ROC the Future
In this episode, we chat with Jackie Campbell, who serves as Executive Director of ROC the Future, a collective…
Together Through Crisis: A Case Study of Milwaukee’s COVID Civic Response
Milwaukee’s COVID-19 response has been a remarkable mobilization of resources and organizations to address needs for shelter, food, testing,…
Partners in Conflict
In this roundtable discussion, we focus on questions around how to collaborate when there may be conflicts between partners,
Collective Impact in Emergency Response: A Virtual Discussion on Milwaukee’s COVID-19 Civic Response Team
Milwaukee’s COVID-19 response has been a remarkable mobilization of resources and organizations to address needs for shelter, food, testing,…
Building Trust among Partners and Sharing Credit
What does it mean to be a “good partner?”
Collective Impact in Emergency Response: A Case Study of Milwaukee’s COVID-19 Civic Response Team
Milwaukee’s COVID-19 response has been a remarkable mobilization of resources and organizations to address needs for shelter, food, testing,…
Collaborating during COVID-19
In this roundtable discussion, we address some questions from Forum community members about how our collaborative work is affected…
How Philanthropy Can Help Support Communities During Covid-19
As we navigate through the ongoing crisis that is the covid-19 pandemic, we share an interview with Dr. Lauren…
Managing Change in Rapidly Changing Times (Office Hour 1)
The Covid-19 pandemic has created massive disruption in all of our lives and work.
Prioritizing Feedback Loops Lessons from Funders and Grantee Partners
By developing and closing feedback loops with grantees and community partners, funders can discover actionable insights, and build trust…
Aligning Partners in Collective Impact (Virtual Coffee)
The success of a collective impact initiative is often tied to the success of the partnerships that make up…
Healthy Birth Outcomes through Cross-Sector Collaboration
Among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the United States ranks near the bottom in infant mortality…
The What, Why, and How of Advancing Funder Openness
This webinar explores lessons learned from funders practicing openness within their organizations, with their grantees, and with other community…
Advancing Funders’ Openness Practices: Lessons for the Field from the Collective Impact Funder Action Learning Lab
With support from the Fund for Shared Insight, the Collective Impact Forum has worked closely with eight grantmaking organizations…
ACT Anaheim: A Case Study of Collective Impact
The Orange County Community Foundation partnered with FSG, a mission-driven consulting firm for leaders in search of social change,…
Cross-Sector Partnership Assessment
Living Cities developed the free Cross-Sector Partnership Assessment to help those engaged in cross-sector partnerships, particularly collective impact partner…
Navigating the Funder/Backbone Relationship – Panel Discussion
"Navigating the Funder/Backbone Relationship" panel discussion at the 2015 Collective Impact Convening.