Collective Voices
Collective Impact Forum staff, partners, and guest contributors share the latest learning, innovations, and stories from the field.
- October 10, 2014
Snapshots from the Summit 2014 – Day 4
Day 4 of the Collective Impact Summit in Toronto this week brings with it more deep learning and engagement. I am happy to share more Summit highlights from Oc…
- October 9, 2014
Snapshots from the Summit 2014 – Day 3
Day 3 of the Collective Impact Summit in Toronto brings with it more great discussions and learnings. I’m happy to share more highlights from the sessions held…
- October 8, 2014
Snapshots from the Summit 2014- Day 2
We're now into day 2 of the Collective Impact Summit in Toronto this week, and I am very happy to share highlights from sessions, keynotes, and from attendee l…
- October 8, 2014
Snapshots from the Summit 2014 – Day 1
While "on the ground" at the Collective Impact Summit in Toronto this week, I'm happy to share quick highlights from sessions, keynotes, and from attendee lear…
- August 13, 2014
Presenting: Collective Insights on Collective Impact, Nine New Articles on Collective Impact
by Fay Hanleybrown, FSG, Steve Patrick, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, Sheri Brady, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, and Jennifer…
- July 17, 2014
Finding Our People … Just Like the Girl in the Bee Suit
This essay was originally posted to StriveTogether's Striving for Change blog on July 16, 2014.In the Blind Melon 90s alternative rock video, “No Rain,” a youn…