Collective Voices
Collective Impact Forum staff, partners, and guest contributors share the latest learning, innovations, and stories from the field.
- July 7, 2022
Resources to Advance Equity Practice: Survey Findings
In March 2022, the Collective Impact Forum conducted a survey called “Resources to Advance Equity Practice.” The purpose of this survey was to learn more abou…
- May 26, 2022
Moving Mindsets
I often counsel collective impact teams that our ability to create narrative is one of our most powerful tools. Weaving a story that captures the challenges an…
- May 11, 2022
On the Art of (Re)Gathering
As any collective impact practitioner knows, our work involves meetings. A lot of meetings. We gather colleagues, allies, and networks to learn from one anothe…
- April 22, 2022
Shifting the Power to the Local Community: Saamuhika Shakti in Bengaluru, India
Since 2019, the H&M Foundation has been supporting Saamuhika Shakti, a collective impact (CI) initiative to improve the lives of waste pickers in Bengaluru…
- March 29, 2022
Welcome to the New Collective Impact Forum Website
We are excited to share the Collective Impact Forum's new website. Originally launched 8 years ago in 2014, this is our first Big Update to the site, and we ar…
- March 3, 2022
New Community Survey: Let Us Know What Would Help Advance Your Equity Practice
The Collective Impact Forum is hosting a new community-wide survey to learn about what equity-related topics are most pressing for you, and what supports you w…