Collective Impact Implementation Activity Checklist
While all initiatives play out differently due to local content, this checklist of suggested activities can help support the…
Job Descriptions for Backbone Roles
This document contains sample job descriptions for the roles of Executive Director, Project Coordinator, and Data Consultant to .assist…
Work Group Action Planning Template
This template, created by FSG, can be used by initiative working groups in the first or second meeting to…
Collective Impact for Opportunity Youth Report
This report by FSG outlines how a collective impact approach can improve outcomes for Opportunity Youth (i.e., youth between…
Measuring Backbone Contributions to Collective Impact
In this two-part series on Stanford Social Innovation Review’s blog, FSG’s Katherine Errecart and Anjali Bhatt, and Shiloh Turner,…
Exerting Influence Without Formal Authority
In this two-part series on Stanford Social Innovation Review’s blog, FSG’s Katherine Errecart and Anjali Bhatt, and Shiloh Turner,…
Collective Impact Article
This is the original FSG article describing collective impact, published in the Winter 2011 Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Embracing Emergence: Collective Impact Addresses Complexity
Complex social problems cannot be solved by a single organization or by a simple recipe.
Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work Article
This follow-up to FSG's 2011 Stanford Social Innovation Review article explores new examples of collective impact initiatives and provides…
The Value of Backbone Organizations in Collective Impact
FSG and The Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) partnered to understand and evaluate the role of backbone organizations in collective…
Case Study: Vibrant Communities
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on Vibrant Communities, a multi-layer collective impact initiative focused on unleashing the…
Case Study: Shape Up Somerville
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on Shape Up Somerville, a city-wide collective impact campaign to reduce obesity…
Case Study: The Road Map Project
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on the Road Map Project, a collective impact initiative focused on doubling…
Case Study: Partners for a Competitive Workforce
This case study, written by FSG, is about Partners for a Competitive Workforce, a collective impact initiative in Cincinnati,…
Case Study: Opportunity Chicago
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on Opportunity Chicago, a collective impact initiative that successfully helped over 5,000…
Memphis Fast Forward
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on Memphis Fast Forward, a multi-layered collective impact initiative focused on increasing…
Franklin County Communities that Care
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on the Franklin County Communities that Care Coalition.
Case Study: E3 Alliance
This case study, written by FSG, focuses on E3 Alliance, a collective impact initiative designed to align the region’s…