When You Can’t Say Equity: Advancing Equity in an Anti-Equity Context
In this virtual office hour session, our team of presenters discussed the challenges of advancing equity in contexts where…
How Practicing Futurism Can Strengthen Your Collaborative Strategy
“The future doesn’t happen to us. We create it with the decisions that we make today. What the future…
The Skills and Mindset Shifts Backbones Need for Collective Impact
Join us for a free virtual office hour with Dominique Samari, JD and Paul Schmitz, authors of the newly…
Backbone Leadership Is Different: The Skills and Mindset Shifts Needed for Collective Impact
Leading a collective impact initiative is different and more complex than leading a traditional organization.Unlike a more hierarchical organization,…
Advancing Equity in Times of Polarization and Division
Without proactively removing the structures and systems that have contributed to inequity, place-based collaboratives can not make a meaningful…
The Necessary Skills to Navigate Change
Navigating and managing change is key to a collaborative’s journey, but it’s also one of the most challenging as…
When You Can’t Say Equity: Advancing Equity in an Anti-Equity Context
If you have questions about how to maintain an equity focus in your collaborative work during these times of…
Essentials for Collective Impact 2024 Workshop Series
-This workshop series provides practical guidance, tools, and resources on four key areas of collective impact work.
- July 18, 2024
Inside Philanthropy: The Power of Place-Based Partnerships in the Fight for Equity
In a new guest column for Inside Philanthropy, Jennifer Splansky Juster, Monique Miles, and Cindy Santos issue a call to action for philanthropy to support equ…
For Philanthropy to Succeed, All Strategies Must Address Disability
“There is no issue in the social justice space that we will ever be able to remedy as long…
Why Understanding Local Context Is Critical for Collective Impact
Understanding a community’s “context” and its readiness for complex change work is a critical factor for launching and advancing…
Collective Impact Overview: Online Training
This online training is designed for participants who are new to the collective impact concept and are looking for…
Why a Policy Agenda is an Important Part of Collective Impact Work
A core element of collective impact is changing systems in the pursuit of equity. Pursuing policy change and advocacy…
Mental Health is Important for Every Collaborative
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we wanted to highlight the importance of recognizing and supporting mental health…
Workshop + Implementation Lab Sessions: Solving Difficult Collective Impact Challenges
This series is designed for teams of two to learn adaptive leadership and other practices to help solve complex…
Workshop: Solving Difficult Collective Impact Challenges
This workshop is designed for participants to learn adaptive leadership and other practices to help solve complex collaborative challenges.
Power Building, Trust, and Relationships: Supporting Movement Beyond Moments of Reckoning
How can building trusting relationships and sharing power between philanthropy and community-driven efforts spark and sustain movement building? Ten…
How Belonging, Meaning, Wellbeing, and Purpose (BMWP) Can Empower Youth and Their Communities
For more than a decade, The Opportunity Youth Forum at the Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions has been…
Facilitating Collaborative Meetings
-In this online workshop, learn about tools and strategies to help you design and facilitate meetings that are results-driven…
How to Support a Collaborative Data and Learning Culture: Virtual Office Hour
In this virtual office hour session, we answer questions about supporting a data and learning culture, including approaches to…