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Connecting Advocacy and Data to Advance Collective Goals
Last year, Independent Sector published research on how advocacy by the nonprofit sector has evolved over the last 25 years, and specifically, how it has sever…
The Skills and Mindset Shifts Backbones Need for Collective Impact
In this one hour session, Dominique Samari, JD and Paul Schmitz, authors of the newly released report “Backbone Leadership is Different: The Skills and Mindset…
Designing to Inspire Community Joy and Connection
How can inclusive design spur community connections and build stronger partnerships in the process?During the COVID pandemic, the Van Alen Institute and the Ur…
When You Can’t Say Equity: Advancing Equity in an Anti-Equity Context
In this virtual office hour session, our team of presenters discussed the challenges of advancing equity in contexts where there are direct challenges, answere…
How Practicing Futurism Can Strengthen Your Collaborative Strategy
“The future doesn’t happen to us. We create it with the decisions that we make today. What the future needs and deserves is for each of us to be smart about wh…
Backbone Leadership Is Different: The Skills and Mindset Shifts Needed for Collective Impact
Leading a collective impact initiative is different and more complex than leading a traditional organization.Unlike a more hierarchical organization, a success…