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Sample Strategies for Pursuing a Common Agenda
These strategies were developed for a collective impact effort focused on improving health outcomes in a large U.S. city.
Tackling Complex Social Problems through Collective Impact
What is collective impact?
Collective Insights on Collective Impact
Through the diverse voices of the authors, you can dive deeper into important collective impact topics such as public policy, evaluation, sources of power, and…
Defining Quality Collective Impact
To sustain collective impact, we must bring more rigor to the practice by drawing on lessons from a diverse array of communities to define what truly makes thi…
Impacto Colectivo
Lograr cambio social a gran escala requiere de una amplia coordinación entre sectores, sin embargo, el sector social sigue centrado en la intervención aislada …
Setting a Common Agenda
This presentation gives a brief overview of how a common agenda can be developed, as well as examples from sample collective impact initiatives around the coun…