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Case Study: Communities That Care Coalition
The Communities That Care Coalition (CTC) brings together youth, parents, schools, community agencies, and local governments to promote the health and well-bei…
Case Study: Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention
The Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention coordinates Colorado’s response to the misuse of medications such as opioids, stimulants, and se…
Virtual Office Hour – March 23, 2020: Managing Change in (Rapidly) Changing Times
This has been a time of massive disruption in all of our lives and work. Those of us who are facilitating and supporting collective impact will have to lead ou…
Funding the Long Game in Collective Impact Webinar
One of the challenges many collective impact efforts face is having financial support over a long enough period to make real progress on their stated results.
Virtual Office Hour: Navigating the Backbone Role
The backbone team wears multiple hats.
Funding the Long Game in Collective Impact
One of the challenges many collective impact efforts face is having the financial support over a long enough period to make real progress on their stated resul…