Collective Voices
Collective Impact Forum staff, partners, and guest contributors share the latest learning, innovations, and stories from the field.
- April 23, 2020
Scenario Thinking for an Unpredictable Year: Status Quo is Not an Option
During the past month, many of us have had our lives and livelihoods completely upended. We have been forced to respond to emergencies in our work and for some…
- March 31, 2020
Five Collective Impact Deep Dive Case Studies
We are happy to share five new case studies featuring a subset of the collaboratives studied by the 2018 research study “When Collective Impact Has an Impact,”…
- March 30, 2020
Change Management During the Pandemic: Thoughts for Collective Impact and Nonprofits
We are living in an unprecedented, unpredictable, and scary time. It is hard for all of us. After several conversations with colleagues and much reflection on …
- March 17, 2020
Community Equity and COVID-19—Seven Things Philanthropy Can Do
As the world finds itself navigating through the new, unchartered territory of working through a global pandemic, we wanted to share some thoughts from Dr. Lau…
- March 12, 2020
Avoiding Pitfalls with the Collective Impact Principles of Practice
No two collective impact initiative are the same … that of course is the reality of working to make progress on complex, systemic issues. However, one thing t…
- December 9, 2019
Navigating Consent and Allyship
At work during an affinity group meeting, I shared a story from back in college where a close friend offered me assistance. We were in our college café, and I …