I have nearly 20 years of experience helping to solve complex societal problems, including through the collective impact approach. My focus is on supporting social change leaders throughout the United States and around the world on issues that affect us all, from climate change and nuclear security to building healthy communities and ecosystems. Strategic supports including facilitation, strategy and evaluation design, coaching, advising, and training, all focused on driving change on complex, systemic problems.
My thought leadership work on collective impact includes being the co-lead of the collective impact study:
When Collective Impact has an Impact (available at: http://orsimpact.com/directory/ci-study-report.htm)
And an article exploring the role of intermediaries in the context of collective impact:
When Backbone Organizations Become the Funder: The Use of Fiscal Intermediaries in the Context of Collective Impact (available at: https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1268&context=tfr)