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Connecting to Community Organizing and Advocacy with Frontline Solutions
How can collective impact initiatives leverage advocacy and community organizing to create more equitable systems and policy outcomes?
Rebalancing Power: Examining the Role of Advocacy and Organizing in Collective Impact
How can collective impact initiatives leverage advocacy and community organizing to create more equitable systems and policy outcomes?
How Funders Can Embrace the Original Collective Impact
In this deep dive discussion, we look at how funders can support frontline community organizing and activism.
Shifting Power with Participatory Grantmaking
We’re sharing a deep dive discussion on the topic of participatory grantmaking that was part of this past spring’s 2021 Collective Impact Action Summit.
Public-Private Partnerships in Emergency Response: A Case Study of Milwaukee’s Civic Response Team
The Covid-19 pandemic was an all-hands-on-deck moment.
Building Transformative Partnerships with ROC the Future
In this episode, we chat with Jackie Campbell, who serves as Executive Director of ROC the Future, a collective impact education initiative that’s part of the …