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Roundtable on Community Engagement and Collective Impact
Collective impact efforts are often discussed in terms of organizations or sectors, such as business, nonprofit, government, and philanthropy.
Impacto Colectivo
Lograr cambio social a gran escala requiere de una amplia coordinación entre sectores, sin embargo, el sector social sigue centrado en la intervención aislada …
Committing to Collective Impact: From Vision to Implementation
Forming a steering committee and creating a common agenda is hard work.
Measuring Backbone Contributions to Collective Impact
In this two-part series on Stanford Social Innovation Review’s blog, FSG’s Katherine Errecart and Anjali Bhatt, and Shiloh Turner, the Greater Cincinnati Found…
Exerting Influence Without Formal Authority
In this two-part series on Stanford Social Innovation Review’s blog, FSG’s Katherine Errecart and Anjali Bhatt, and Shiloh Turner, the Greater Cincinnati Found…
Collective Impact Article
This is the original FSG article describing collective impact, published in the Winter 2011 Stanford Social Innovation Review.