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Aligning Partners in Collective Impact (Virtual Coffee)
The success of a collective impact initiative is often tied to the success of the partnerships that make up its foundation.
Healthy Birth Outcomes through Cross-Sector Collaboration
Among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the United States ranks near the bottom in infant mortality rates.
The What, Why, and How of Advancing Funder Openness
This webinar explores lessons learned from funders practicing openness within their organizations, with their grantees, and with other community stakeholders.
Advancing Funders’ Openness Practices: Lessons for the Field from the Collective Impact Funder Action Learning Lab
With support from the Fund for Shared Insight, the Collective Impact Forum has worked closely with eight grantmaking organizations in an “Action Learning Lab” …
ACT Anaheim: A Case Study of Collective Impact
The Orange County Community Foundation partnered with FSG, a mission-driven consulting firm for leaders in search of social change, to produce ACT Anaheim: A C…
Cross-Sector Partnership Assessment
Living Cities developed the free Cross-Sector Partnership Assessment to help those engaged in cross-sector partnerships, particularly collective impact partner…