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Backbone Leadership Is Different: The Skills and Mindset Shifts Needed for Collective Impact
Leading a collective impact initiative is different and more complex than leading a traditional organization.Unlike a more hierarchical organization, a success…
Rebalancing Power: Examining the Role of Advocacy and Organizing in Collective Impact
How can collective impact initiatives leverage advocacy and community organizing to create more equitable systems and policy outcomes?
Healthy Birth Outcomes through Cross-Sector Collaboration
Among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, the United States ranks near the bottom in infant mortality rates.
When Collective Impact has an Impact: A Cross-Site Study of 25 Collective Impact Initiatives
This research study looks at the question of “To what extent and under what conditions does the collective impact approach contribute to systems and population…
Advancing Funders’ Openness Practices: Lessons for the Field from the Collective Impact Funder Action Learning Lab
With support from the Fund for Shared Insight, the Collective Impact Forum has worked closely with eight grantmaking organizations in an “Action Learning Lab” …
Collaborating to See All Constituents Reach Their Full Potential: Memorandum on Research and Resources on Equity and Collective Impact
Earlier in 2015, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) and the Collective Impact Forum came together around the question of, "How can grantmakers insti…