Liz Dozier – Moving from Charity to Justice in Collective Impact


When social change work is approached as “charity” — giving help to those in need — collaboratives can fall into a trap of doing work TO a community rather than WITH the community, upholding existing power dynamics, structural barriers, and inequities. Liz Dozier, founder and CEO of Chicago Beyond, discusses how to shift mindsets and actions from collective impact work as charity to collective impact work to achieve justice for all in our communities.

Ways to Listen: Stream this episode below or download the MP3 at the link on the left to this page. You can also listen via Itunes, Spotify, Simplecast, Sticher, iHeartRadio, and other podcast apps.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we’re sharing a keynote talk titled, “Moving from Charity to Justice in Collective Impact” by Liz Dozier, founder and CEO of Chicago Beyond, an impact investor that backs the fight for youth equity. Chicago Beyond exists so that all youth, especially the most vulnerable, will have the opportunity to achieve their fullest human potential.

This talk was held on May 16, 2019 at the 2019 Collective Impact Convening in Chicago.

Footnotes and Resources:

More on Collective Impact approach to collaborate for social change:

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