Advancing Equity in Collective Impact (Virtual Coffee)


Issues of inequity are often at the core of the complex problems that collective impact initiatives are working to change. Initiatives should center equity in their work to ensure that they are not reinforcing inequitable systems and outcomes in their solutions. But how can initiatives strive to better keep equity at the center of their work, and how does infusing equity practices within one’s work change processes, and ultimately, outcomes?

Join us for this Collective Impact Forum Virtual Coffee,  Advancing Equity in Collective Impact. We’re talking with Deycy Hernandez, Director for Promesa Boyle Heights about their experience centering equity and community within their work.

This virtual coffee conversation was held on July 31, 2018 from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET

Virtual Coffee Resources:

Presentation: Download a copy of the presentation used for this virtual coffee at the link on the right of this page. (Logging in to your Collective Impact Forum account will be necessary to download materials.)

Promesa Boyle Heights was one of 25 sites that participated in the research study When Collective Impact has an Impact. This new study, more than a year in the making, looks at the question of “To what extent and under what conditions does the collective impact approach contribute to systems and population changes?”



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