What Is Collective Impact

Collective impact brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change.

Collective impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.

Collective impact initiatives implement the five conditions, outlined below, with equity practices incorporated throughout.
The five conditions and equity practices are a framework and guide, rather than a checklist or formula, and should be customized for the local context.

The Five Conditions of Collective Impact

It starts with a
common agenda

This means coming together to collectively define the problem and create a shared vision to solve it.

It establishes shared measurement

That means tracking progress in the same way, allowing for continuous learning and accountability.

It fosters mutually reinforcing activities

That means integrating the participants’ many different activities to maximize the end result.

It encourages continuous communications

That means building trust and strengthening relationships.

And it has a
strong backbone

That means having a team dedicated to aligning and coordinating the work of the group.

Collective Impact Efforts Center Equity

Collaboratives can pursue equity through five strategies. Each strategy is important and should be woven into the implementation of the five conditions listed above.

Ground the work in data and context, and target solutions

Focus on systems change, in addition to programs and services

Shift power within the collaborative

Listen to and act with community

Build equity leadership and accountability

Ready to get started?

We’ve curated a set of foundational tools and
resources to help collaboratives get started.


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